Episode 132 – Bring on the Night

Toying with him, 
like the dolls 
who used to play 
her children.
Lifting her skirt,
she tries to 
draw him inside.

Fingers like birds 
fly away, arms 
dance in the air.

She pouts. 

Feelings hurt 
when not believed,
she plays her 
torture game
until he’s bloody.

* * *

darkness and 
silence ‘til 
the monster appears 

spilling our secrets 
like your seed
on the ground

Episode 131 – Never Leave Me

You don’t know me,
she yells.
You don’t even know yourself.

The light in your eyes 
is new.
Never there before, 
in the bloody days.

* * *

She wipes the pain
from the corners 
of his mouth,
remembers a time 
when they kissed.

She sees the new man,
the one who sacrificed.
She hated him once,
but now believes
he can be good.

He hurls his faults
at her like weapons,
begs her to end him.
But he’s not the enemy. 

He’s been losing time.
Waking up in strange places.
Hating the face staring back
from the mirror.

She doesn’t hate herself,
not anymore.
She may not love this man,
but she believes in him.
In what he’s fought for.
In how he’s changed.
In his ability to do good.

And that may be enough.

Episode 130 – Sleeper

Though my heart no longer beats,
it still aches, the past sour 
like blood in my mouth.
I don’t want to remember,
but that song keeps taking me back.

Strolling the night, 
smoking cigarettes in bars,
I seek truth.
When truth remains elusive,
I take out my flask.

One girl follows to see if I’m good,
but I’m more than a little bad.
That gets me pretty far most nights.
She likes me better when I sin.
They all like me better.
But sin no longer satisfies.

Filled with sorrow, yet no way to repair,
I bare my chest and ask to die.
She refuses. In dying, she says,
the good disappears with the bad.
She knows both. In me, in the world,
and certainly in herself.

The truth bleeds and eats away at my heart,
making me remember so many lives taken.
That song makes me remember
the pain I struggle to forget.

* * *

The ones who love us tell them.
Lies to lay us down.
Lies to wake us up again.
Convincing us that we’re to blame.

But they’re not real.
The words, the lovers,
both mainly in our heads.

The pain?  That’s real.
The truth?  Lies.

Episode 124 – Beneath You

What does a man do
but to love
when he’s hurt you?

What does a girl do
when she’s pushed him away,
deservedly oh for sure,
but abandoned now
for lack of her?

What does a man do
when he hurts
but to love?

But to love is 
to bring pain and 
pain can’t wash 
sins away,

though the sting lessens
as he throws himself 
onto the cross for a rest.

Episode 123 – Lessons

A flower
that shouldn’t exist.
I watch it bloom,
realizing I’ve frightened 
away everyone.

The earth yawns,
or maybe only
pretends to yawn,
mouth open wide
to swallow us whole.

Lady in shadows,
full of her own voices,
gave me life
yet plunged me 
into darkness.
Now the only place
to have me.

The flower no one
will pick.

Episode 122 – Grave

The yellow crayon
looked like the sun.
She wanted to take it 
inside her body,
color over her fear,
but she pressed too hard
and the crayon broke 
into pieces.
She began to cry.

Her best friend rescued
the sunny segments
and tried to press them
back together.
Her tears made him feel
like he did when his mother
yelled at him.
He hated when his mother
yelled at him.

I’m sorry, he said
to the teacher.
I broke the yellow crayon.

* * *

The girl, now grown,
doesn’t want to hear
that he loves her,
tiny and scared,
ugly and evil.
That he remembers
the yellow crayon.

But his is the only voice
she can hear.
Her rage recedes
as a volcano of sorrow
storms from her eyes.

And he holds her.
Just that.

* * *

When the world returns,
it’s spring,
when flowers reach up
and we crawl from the ground
to follow,

far from wellness, 
but healing,
able to see the beauty
of the blossoms.

And when we least expect it,
our soul returns.

Episode 121 – Two to Go

girl fight 
between friends
both strong
who wins

* * *

A strawberry, ready to pop,
but instead of sweetness,
there is putrefaction,
threatening even friends.

For there are no friends
when love is dead,
only fading moments
when love told her 
she was beautiful.

Then death –
the great eraser.

If darkness disappears, 
she is left with nothing.
Love is dead 
and sorrow squeals
its hatred.

A naked throat 
is vulnerable
to a blade,
to a bullet.

And if the skin bleeds,
the pain escapes,
leaving behind
an empty shell.

Raise your swords, 
if you must.
There is no protection.

Episode 109 – Smashed

He’s my enemy, not my boyfriend 
(though sometimes 
I can’t tell the difference).

He says his darkness 
is in the past, but his edges 
are still tinged with black.
He tries to hurt me,
but I’m too busy hurting him 
to notice.

The more damage I do, 
the more he loves me.
And when he’s bad, 
I long to kiss him.

Smashed together,
we can’t part.
Pleasure, pain, 
they’re just the same.

Walls cave in.
Ceilings fall.
As do we, 
amid the wreckage.

Episode 108 – Tabula Rasa

If you can make me 
forget the lies you told,
would you steal 
my other things?

Even my dreams?

Leaving you
and the stories behind,
I fly away
from the blue
of your eye,
the smile I thought
meant you were happy.

Memories, all
up in smoke
like a witch’s spell,
and even if I love you,
I don’t remember.
You stole that 
from me too.

Are you my partner
or my editor?
Lover or predator?

I carry boxes
out the door,
leaving you 
to find regret
on the bathroom 

It would have 
been easy 
for me to stay,
but you gave that,
you gave it away.

You stole my 
Would you lie
and take my 
other things?

Episode 107 – Once More, With Feeling

CCBDCC the way he looks at me
CCBDCC it’s not like i don’t see
FFEGFF there have been men before
FFEGFF and one that i adored
CDCDCC but i’ve been dead awhile
CCCCB♭B♭ and he can make me smile

FGFGFF with just one look at me
FGFGFF he’s so not good for me

CDCDCC he follows me at night
CDCDCC he longs to hold me tight
FGFGFF but i push him away
FGFGFF though i wish that he’d stay
CDCDCC cuz i’ve been dead awhile
CCCCB♭B♭ and it’s so hot his smile

FGFGFF it feels so good to me
FGFGFF to have him look at me

DFEGFDC if i give myself to him
DFEGF will i lose my soul

CCCDCC he was my enemy
CCCDCC now sees the girl in me
FFFGFF but i push him away
FFFGFF though i wish that we’d play
CDCDCC cuz he’s been dead awhile
CCCCB♭B♭ and i can make him smile

FGFGFF i wish he’d leave me be
GAGAGG why won’t he look at me

CDCDCC don’t want my friends to know
CDCDCC cuz hey he’s not my beau
FGFGFF but i’ve been dead awhile
FGFGFF and it’s so hot his smile
CDCDCC i follow him at night
CCCCB♭B♭ and then he holds me tight

FGFGFF he’s so not good for me
FGFGFF why can’t i leave him be

DFEGFDC if i give myself to him
DFEGF will i lose my soul

CCBDCC it’s not like i don’t see
CCBDCC the way he looks at me
FFEGFF i have known men before
FFEGFF it’s nice to be adored
CDCDCC but i’ve been dead awhile
CCCCB♭B♭ and it’s so hard to smile

FGFGFF i know that i should flee
FGFGFF but then he looks at me