Episode 140 – Dirty Girls


A little respite
from the noise.
Lights a cigarette
on the steps,
unaware of company.
Another pair of eyes,
some chitchat 
in the dark.

Both dangerous 
in their way,
though now reformed,
they share a smoke.
Words dart
warm and slippery 
between them.

Eyes meet,
but no lips greet.
Just a little respite
from the noise.

* * *

good guys
get dangerous sometimes
and bad guys
can look like saviors 
at first glance

Episode 139 – Lies My Parents Told Me

They say creatures
without souls
can’t love, but we do.
Our love can be shallow 
and fickle,
but may span 
many lifetimes.

Having loved
with soul,
without soul,
then with soul again,
I find a keenness 
to the love 
a soul allows, 
expansive and inclusive of realms
outside the object of affection.

Love that ignites an unrest 
not easily quelled.
Love that erupts in a fiery flow
burning everything in its wake.

Perhaps my soul is for more than love now,
reaching out for life on its own.
Leaving haunted memories behind.