Episode 121 – Two to Go

girl fight 
between friends
both strong
who wins

* * *

A strawberry, ready to pop,
but instead of sweetness,
there is putrefaction,
threatening even friends.

For there are no friends
when love is dead,
only fading moments
when love told her 
she was beautiful.

Then death –
the great eraser.

If darkness disappears, 
she is left with nothing.
Love is dead 
and sorrow squeals
its hatred.

A naked throat 
is vulnerable
to a blade,
to a bullet.

And if the skin bleeds,
the pain escapes,
leaving behind
an empty shell.

Raise your swords, 
if you must.
There is no protection.

Episode 120 – Villains

Rage fills my heart where love once lived 
and fury moves into the room that housed the bullet.
So small the wedge that pierced her heart.

So complete my loss,
that humanity bails
leaving her behind,
still warm,

     (so warm)

a gift for the gods
though they don’t deserve her.

Like a demon hound, 
I track her killer through the woods.
He’s full of words, but no remorse,
not that it would matter.

I string him up between two trees,
silence the savagery of his voice. 
Then I strip him of his skin, 
like pa with a summer rabbit.

Nothing survives 
when rage moves in.

Episode 105 – Life Serial

With the ring
of a bell
my day begins.


Tons of tedious tasks.
Trails of treachery.
Tripping over
my soul
until I’m dead.


Satisfy the customer
and the cycle ends.
But only until
it begins again.

At night
I try on darkness.
It has whiskey,
blue eyes,
and ears to hear
my sorrows.

Weekends tease
with time to tarry,
but oh so very short.


Episode 104 – Flooded

something intimate
in the fading light.

cigarette butt
under boot heel.

white haired man.

sad girl.

shoulders kiss
on back porch steps.

a grin
only for him.

these are lonely days.

something intimate
in the night.

white haired man.

sad girl.

quiet comfort
in the fading light.

Episode 96 – Intervention

Did I tell her I loved her?
I was so young and the word love 
so ancient.

Across the fire, I see her face
in the desert that appears after death.

With feline grace, she guides me 
across the sands, to a place 
where love is tortured and I am exposed.

Rub salt in the wound.
Forgive the salt.
Love the salt.

Beauty cannot drag from me the truth.
The truth is love and love is pain.
Hold onto love.
Protect it from all enemies.

I won’t forget 
what you did 

for love.

Episode 93 – I Was Made to Love You

Real girls are spongy.

I bounce off them
and ricochet around the room,
leaving splats of color 
on the walls and the floors,


into crevices and corners,

finger painting
the imperfect lines of their bodies,
wiping off the colors
to reveal the skin beneath.

* * *

She was a robot 
for love.
A girl
made of bolts and screws.

The perfect woman.

Programmed to hug,
kiss and caress.
To always say yes 
to his every whim.

Built to love.
Built to cook.
No baggage.
No needs.
Just pure devotion.

Even that wasn’t enough.
Everything he wanted
wasn’t really what he wanted.

And everything she had to give
really wasn’t enough.