Episode 115 – As You Were

She’d said it so many times before.
It’s over.
But she always came back.
To his door.
To his bed.
Drawn to him
like stake to heart.

The fact that she despised him
only fueled the passion.
The fact that he loved her
only fueled the passion.

He’d memorized the barbs
she used to hurt him.
Sure, they hit home sometimes,
but he’d learned to think of them
as endearments.
It was, after all,
what she had to give.

But when she came today,
soft, in lavender,
and spoke his name.
The name given to the man,
not the monster.

I’m sorry William.

He knew
he’d lost her.

Episode 89 – Triangle

He’s gone.
Three seconds on the clock.
The red wire
or the green.
Will I cut the right one
or will I explode
in tears 
or in grief
over his departure?

I’m fine

I took down his pictures,
but not because I’m angry.
Well, I am angry,
but not like I don’t want
to see his face again.

I’d like to see his face again.
It’s a good face.

Guess it was coming for awhile.
Everyone saw it but me.
Things I should have said,
didn’t see.
A trail of destruction
spread out behind me.
Like a god
with his hammer,
I destroy.

He asked me for a reason to stay,
but I was too long in finding one.
If you have to look,
the reason isn’t good enough 

I’m fine

Episode 88 – Into the Woods

My heart is woven with the blood of others. 
Perfect dance partners.

He doesn’t look back.
He never looks back.
A hole the size of the world
blows right through us.

Give me pain.
Give me something.
Give me a reason to stay.

Episode 87 – Listening to Fear

sometimes she doesn’t 
remember me

her daughter

a shadow visible 
only in darkness

* * *

A star dies, but its light keeps us company,
its death unmourned for generations.
I feel sad to see the sparkle.

The moon invokes madness, its light hurts my eyes.

I search for Cassiopeia 
on her tortuous throne, 
her beauty unrivaled.

Holding tight to my sanity, the moon passes over.

As we flame through the sky, 
will anyone remember?

Episode 86 – Shadow

He wants to be her knight,
but she doesn’t need saving.

* * *

Boys before
kept her in tears,
kept her in chains.

Holes ripped 
in the world
by their passion.

With you
she feels less 

She feels 

Episode 85 – Fool for Love

The vampire princess asked him to join her
and he saw the light no more.

He was gentle once, before his soul was taken,
penning piles of pitiful sonnets filled with longing.

The dark girl found his gentleness charming, 
but loved him even more when he was wicked.

So he was wicked.

Her perfect poet and provocateur 
made powerful by blood and by love.

A century later, she abandoned him, and the heart 
that ceased to beat the night she turned him

tore apart.

Only forbidden love began to mend 
his heart’s tattered secrets.  The Slayer.

A spirit so hot to the touch it burned him nightly.
She made him cry.  She made him rage.
He was covered in her, consumed by her,

concerned for her.

He was in love and she wanted him dead.
He wanted to breathe her in, but he had no breath.

Here begins his journey to recover the soul 
he lost so long ago.  To give birth again to the poet within.

Episode 84 – Family

Cast out by false fathers 
who profess love
but imprison creativity,

she finds herself in the company 
of those she despises,
trying to hide her true face,

what’s bad inside her
legend told by fathers who seek
to keep their women weak.

The only weak woman 
is the one 
who doesn’t know herself.

Oh, tell me a story 
of she who begins
unwanted and then is chosen.

Episode 81 – The Replacement

what if there was another me 
who did it better
got it right the first time around

made the drunken parents proud
got accepted to all the best schools
on someone else’s dime

what if he exuded brilliance
stomped on mediocrity
what if everyone admired him
depended on him

he would be so handsome
with the cleanest hair
the darkest eyes
the cleverest of comebacks

wait, no one does clever comebacks 
better than me
not even a better me