Episode 103 – After Life

In white she appears, taking his breath, 
though in truth he’d lost it a century before.  
Her, he’d lost 
seven plus 
      forty plus 
one hundred days ago.
A hero’s death, though it matters not.

She stands small, weary from her journey, 
her hands torn and bloodied. No one guesses 
how they got so damaged, but he knows, 
having fought the same battle back from the grave.

He is tender, soothing her wounds with 
Mercurochrome and gauze, the only one 
she can feel tortured with. He knows torture, 
having dished out and taken his share.  

Her sadness spills from his eyes and he 
slams his hand. In his dreams, he’d saved her. 
But despite strength, despite promises, despite 
love, she died.  

I’m fine, she lies, struggling to make it 
from one moment to the next. Her secret, 
she shares only with him. She can’t let 
her friends know what she’s lost.

She was in paradise, not purgatory, 
ripped back into a world of darkness 
by those who claim their love. 
Now they expect her to be happy.  

But what is happiness to a soul 
that’s been at peace? Can a story, 
once complete, begin again?

Episodes 101 & 102 – Bargaining

Lying underground, 
blond hair on white pillow,
fingernails and hair 
still growing after death,

I awaken in my coffin, 
gasping for air, 
clawing through silk, 
through wood, 
through dirt,
summoned back 
by your heartbreak.

But you, so selfish 
in your sadness,
forgot where I lay 
when you called me back,
and assumed my time away 
was filled with sorrow.

Episode 96 – Intervention

Did I tell her I loved her?
I was so young and the word love 
so ancient.

Across the fire, I see her face
in the desert that appears after death.

With feline grace, she guides me 
across the sands, to a place 
where love is tortured and I am exposed.

Rub salt in the wound.
Forgive the salt.
Love the salt.

Beauty cannot drag from me the truth.
The truth is love and love is pain.
Hold onto love.
Protect it from all enemies.

I won’t forget 
what you did 

for love.