Episode 21 & 22 – What’s My Line

In my lavender sweater,
I pirouette,

feeling weary,
seeking comfort
on your pillow.

Tarot cards, dance with me,
grant me kisses when I’m scared.

In my white sweater,
I pace

beneath the full moon,
finding you again
after many lifetimes.

Tarot cards, tell me tales
l can’t remember.

In my darkest gown,
I fall,

seeking strength
in sorrow,
enough to rise again.

Episode 7 – Angel

My knight arrives
in unexpected garb,

I know him.

One kiss
in the slanted
evening light
and a beast

I scream.

’Twas only shadows
stirring memories,
making me hungry
for the past.

Celtic angel,
your love
leaves gaping


If love is true,
look upon
my face and
know my secrets.

I bow before you,
offer my life,
then walk away,
